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  • dana6182

Writing a book.....the day is near.

I have been thinking about a book for over a year, and in just a few days, the publication date will be here, and my book will be officially launched into the world. It is both a joyful and a scary experience.

Joyful in that I can see my experience and thoughts in hard copy and see if the ideas resonate with others. I hope they do. That's the scary part.

What if the book sells a handful of copies and doesn't open the doors that I hoped it would? I'm hoping for more workshops and speaking gigs - but will the book be the catalyst that I'm hoping for?

The bottom line is that sometimes you have to shoot your shot. I told Todd, my husband, that I knew that I would regret it if I didn't write the book, so I felt it had to come out! I'm going to do everything I know to do to market the book for 90 days and then assess if the journey was worth it. I'm proud of myself, but also a businesswoman - for the time and money spent on the book effort, do the rewards make sense? We will see!!!!! I remain hopeful as we sit here less than a week from the launch.

Whether the book has the side benefits that I'm hoping for remains to be seen - but I know I'm glad I tried and took my shot. We will see if it is a profitable shot or not!

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